If you don’t have a power tower, go and read our article about the best power towers for home use immediately. We’ll wait.
Okay, now that you read that article and bought a power tower, there are many power tower exercises to perform with this piece of equipment. The power tower is known for its versatility in working every part of your body.
It’s the all-in-one gym equipment you need.
While there is a range of exercises, the power tower is exceptionally well-known for working your abdominal muscles.
If you thought crunches or sit-ups were the only way to excellent core muscles, it’s to revisit and revise.
We’ll go through multiple exercises that make up the power tower abs workout and have that core rocking in no time at all.
Power Tower Explained
The power tower is a piece of multifunctional gym equipment with its ability to work for multiple muscle groups.
Divided into three sections to work the upper body, the core, and lower body, the power tower is exceptionally versatile and a much-needed addition to any home gym.
It’s one apparatus where you can practice pull-ups, push-ups, L-sits, knee raises, and glute raises.
There are ways to incorporate the use of your body weight exercises and weights to assist in getting fit.
A push-up station and a vertical knee raise station have us ready to torch that body fat.
One main attribute of the power tower is the captain’s chair.
It enables you to use a variety of exercises that target the core muscles without putting unwanted stress on the neck and spine.
Because of this and additional stations that work the core, the power tower effectively works your abdominals.
Power Tower Ab Exercises
Let’s take a look at some of the best power tower ab exercises that are an excellent addition to cardio training.
Before beginning any of these exercises, it’s essential to warm up first.
Vertical Knee Raise
The knee raise is an excellent exercise before moving to more complex exercises.
Start in the captain’s chair with your back against the rest, arms resting on the arm pads, and with your legs hanging straight. Slowly, pull your core in and bring your knees up towards your chest.
Stop once your knees are parallel to the floor and hold that position. Return your legs to the starting position and repeat this exercise 10-20 times.
The vital thing to remember with the vertical knee raise is not to let momentum take over the movement. Engaging the core controls the entire movement.
Leg Raise
A step harder than the knee raise, the leg raise is done with the same start position. Instead of bending your knees, keep a straight leg as you slowly lift your legs by hinging from the hip.
Be sure to stop the movement once your legs are parallel to the floor and hold the position. Lower your legs slowly and repeat 10-20 times.
While this exercise works the core, it feels like a full-body workout.
You stabilize your body by engaging your abdominal muscles, tightening your legs, and using your arms to stop the momentum from taking over the movement.
If the leg raise sounds too intense, there is the option of alternating straight leg raises.
Simply perform one leg at a time in the same way. Once you are more comfortable with this more basic exercise, move on to the regular leg raise.
Oblique Raise
For the oblique raise, perform a knee raise, but instead of pulling the knees straight up towards the chest, angle the movement to one side and lower down.
Alternate the move to the other side and perform this 10-20 times, ensuring both sides are worked.
This movement works the side abdominal muscles known as the oblique muscles.
Scissor Kicks
It’s exactly what it sounds like. The starting position is to hold yourself vertical while bracing yourself on the arm pads.
Lift your legs in a leg raise until they are both parallel to the ground.
Next, bring one leg up and one leg down and then cross them like scissors. One scissor move is one rep.
Slow and controlled is the name of the game with this exercise. You are on your way to power tower abs.
Since you have the leg raise down, let’s try some leg raise holds or the L-Hang.
Perform a leg raise until both legs are parallel to the floor. Instead of lowering the legs down, simply hold that position for about 30 seconds to a minute before releasing.
This intense exercise involves engaging the core muscles to protect the back.
If one minute feels too long, go for shorter amounts of time and gradually work your way up to a minute.
Basic exercises like crunches are also possible with power towers.
Depending on the power tower, there might be a crunch station that secures your feet into place. If not, use the frame to secure your feet as you crunch.
It’s a common mistake with crunches for people to pull on their head and neck as they lift. Not only will that not work your abdominal muscles, but it can cause an injury to the upper body.
Keep your shoulders open and elbows wide as your crunch. Your head should be heavy in your hands and focus on lifting with your core.
Keep your chin to the ceiling and work on getting your shoulder blades off the floor.
Hanging Pike
The starting position is hanging facing away from the power tower. Slowly, raise your legs and rotate your entire body backwards as you do that.
Stop the movement once your feet are near the pull-up bar and your back is parallel to the floor. Finally, lower back to the starting position slowly.
It’s essential to move through this slowly and in control to engage the core.
Power Tower Shoulder Taps
Some power towers have a push-up station. If so, the starting position is a plank while grasping the handles of the push-up station.
Release one handle and tap your opposite shoulder and then grab the handle again. Repeat this move with the other hand and shoulder.
Try to go slow and keep the movement controlled. We recommend performing 10-20 reps or performing these for 30 seconds to one minute.
Make sure to keep your back and body in line and avoid lifting your glutes or arching your back.
Power Tower Ab Workouts
Now that we know several different power tower exercises, let’s look at some workouts that will work the core intensely.
Choose what workout routine works best for you. Pick three to four exercises and perform three to four sets of each exercise with about 10-20 reps each.
If you prefer to do the exercises in a circuit workout, perform one set of each exercise and then rest for one minute before starting again.
Do a complete circuit about three to four times.
For example, perform vertical knee raises for 10-20 reps, three to four times. Then move on to an oblique raise to work the side abdominals.
Next, move onto crunches to engage the rectus abdominals or top of the abs. Perform 15 crunches three times. Finish with shoulder taps for 30-45 seconds. Do three sets.
Change out any exercises to do a workout, and make sure they focus on a different section of your abdominals each time.
The power tower workout is your new best friend when it comes to working the upper body and those abdominals.
Power tower abs via a vertical knee raise, hanging leg raise, crunches, or oblique raises are yours for the taking.
Kristen holds a bachelors in English from Louisianna university. With a longstanding passion for fitness, she owns and operate her own gym and is a certified jazzercise instructor.