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Personal Development

Common Health Advice That is False

There is a ton of conflicting health and fitness advice floating around. Let’s debunk a few common health topics that you may have thought to

Deload Week Debunked

Deload Week Debunked

You’ve heard of boosting your calorie intake or refeeding, to hit your training goals harder at the gym, but deload week is when you give

How Much Should I Be Able To Bench

How Much Should I Be Able To Bench

The question, “How much should I be able to bench?” shouldn’t really fill you with worry that you’re not doing enough, as long as you’re

What Is A Good 5K Time?

What Is A Good 5K Time?

The 5k race is a long distance road race that spans a distance of five kilometers, hence the admittedly unimaginative name.  While it is the