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Onnit Kettlebell 6 Review – Kettlebell Up

Onnit’s digital platform is well-known throughout the fitness industry for its full-body workouts related to kettlebell training. Onnit also features supplements like Total Human and Alpha Brain to help your body completely transform, combined with Onnit’s transformative workout like Onnit kettlebells. In this Onnit Kettlebell review, we’ll describe how this kettlebell workout operates to provide full-body workouts right from your own home. Let’s get going, so you can try Onnit kettlebells for a transformative workout with results in just six weeks.

What is Onnit Kettlebell 6?

The Onnit Kettlebell 6 program is a digital workout in your own home to watch fat melt and muscle develop. This transformative workout in just six weeks promotes kettlebells in every exercise. Once you purchase Onnit Kettlebell 6, you can access the program from anywhere, including your tablets and smartphones. Videos show the holistic kettlebell transformation plan that Onnit uses to train elite athletes or people simply looking to lose fat and gain muscle.

Onnit Kettlebells Workouts

Editor's Choice
Onnit 6: Kettlebell Workout Videos & Online Training Program | Onnit Onnit 6: Kettlebell Workout Videos & Online Training Program | Onnit

A full-body, transformative workout you can do in the comfort of your own home in just six weeks.


  • 6 weeks of workouts
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • Supplements and diet plans
  • Mindset strategies from Aubrey Marcus
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The great thing about kettlebell workouts is you can do them from anywhere. Grab your kettlebells, and it’s time to work.

Onnit Kettlebell 6 uses three different workouts to entice weight loss and build muscle.

  • Cardio and Movement
  • Muscle and Endurance
  • Tone and Definition

In addition to the three versions above, Onnit Kettlebell 6 offers four resistance training/metabolic conditioning sessions and two non-traditional yoga workouts. This workout is excellent for elite athletes or beginners as it provides three levels of progression to help you start where is best for your fitness level. The Onnit Kettlebell 6 training is practical, fun, and challenging, from power-building exercises to circuit training.

Gear Required

The great thing about this training program is the amount of gear required. You only need kettlebells and some space to move. Onnit kettlebells are available via their website, but any type of kettlebell works. Since this is a digital platform, you need access to a screen, whether a computer, smartphone, or tablet. You also need an internet connection to watch specific videos for the program.

More Content Offered for This Transformative Workout

We mentioned that Onnit Kettlebell 6 was a holistic kettlebell transformative plan. It is more than just giving you video workouts. They do more to ensure you get a full-body transformation in just six weeks. They offer extra video content and bonuses once you sign up for the program. Creator of Onnit, Aubrey Marcus, and team member Kyle Kingsbury provide tips and tricks to incorporate into everyday life that promote better results with your exercising and eating habits.

Since we’re discussing bonuses, another bonus program Onnit offers is a program that helps you learn how to burn fat more effectively. Another bonus offer is a unique program about sleep. It gives users effective strategies to ensure better sleep which helps with weight loss and recovery.


While Onnit Kettlebell 6 insists you see results in just six weeks, you must perform the workouts when they suggest and follow a healthy diet in combination with the program. 90% of our body transformation comes from what we eat. It’s not enough just to exercise. To see results, you must change your eating habits to consist of the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Onnit kettlebells come in a wide variety of weight levels. They start at 13 lbs and go to 70 lbs. Along with many different colors to choose between, they also feature a chimp, Darth Vader, or gorilla face for those seeking a more fun kettlebell. The prices range from $35 to over $200, depending on the Onnit kettlebell you choose. While it isn’t necessary to buy Onnit kettlebells for their programs, they are durable and made with high-quality cast iron.

Final Thoughts on Onnit Kettlebell 6

We like the Onnit Kettlebell 6 workout for its intensity, variety, bonuses, and holistic approach to exercise. Working out at home with just some kettlebells and your smartphone or another device is also nice. The videos are excellent for beginners or elite athletes. Anyone benefits from this online program and sees results quickly. Onnit offers fat-burning recipes and multiple supplements to add to your training to achieve even better results. We recommend trying this program and gaining muscle development with fat burn in no time.

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Kristen holds a bachelors in English from Louisianna university. With a longstanding passion for fitness, she owns and operate her own gym and is a certified jazzercise instructor.

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